dear overwhelmed mama | KLSD Mama Monday

Dear overwhelmed mama, 

We are SO excited to relaunch #klsdmamamonday you guys. For those who don't know, KLSD Mama Monday is an exclusive interview series, where we interview women in all stages of Motherhood. We interview new moms, seasoned moms, stay at home moms, and working moms. We cover topics such as single parenting, comparison, depression, birth, adoption and so much more. We launched back in August with a powerful interview with Tawona about single parenting. She spilled out her heart about her struggles and strengths being a single mother has brought her through and it was beautiful. 
After launching a few interviews we decided to put our interviews on hold to launch them at a time where we could better focus and give them the love they deserve!
And here we are! We are so happy to being you an interview with Shelley about the mother she is now VS. the mother she thought she would be prior to children. Her words are so encouraging in reminding us that we have to do what we have to do as mamas to stay healthy and happy and not to let anyone make you feel less than for those choices. She touches on the overwhelming pressure of being a mama and how you are enough just as you are! That YOUR happiness is VITAL to being a good mama, and you have to prioritize that!
So, go ahead and check out the full interview below on our you tube channel and let us know what you think! We would love to connect with you here or on you tube about how this interview makes you feel!
Interviews will be live every Monday in May and once monthly starting in June so sit back, grab a glass of tea, wine or coffee, whatever your fancy and enjoy this honest, raw interview from one of the boldest, most hilarious souls I know!

"I lost myself. I was just their mom. I was just a wife. I had to become grounded again and figure out I come first. It's a constant struggle and I don't know if I will ever find balance, but we all try. 


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