Happy Mama Monday ladies! This week we are bringing you an interview with Rema Koligian, blogger and co-owner of Butterfish and Heirloom Eats, all about the life of a working mama! This interview was one I related to heavily as a working mama of three littles. Momming in general is plain HARD. Whether you're a stay-at-home-mama or an out of the house working mama, we all experience our own struggles!
There are so many stigmas associated with being a working mom. I am so happy to see that a lot of women in society have been working diligently to put an end to these, but they sadly still exist.
This interview covers all the bases of how Rema manages to run her businesses and blog successfully, all the while being an engaged mama. Something I know a ton of us working mamas struggle with. She talks about balance and grace, two factors woven so intricately into the everyday life of a mother.
If you're a working mama, stay at home mama or thinking about starting your journey into motherhood, we hope you love what Rema has to say about her experiences as a working mama and how she handles it like a straight #momboss!